
I'm Jeff, formerly of Sask, AB, BC and now in Red Deer.

Having been involved in the tech community in several regions I know there is great value in creating a strong local community to chat tech, share what we know and meetup to talk tech and startups. It is easier than ever to work in tech and create tech from anywhere so why not where you are now.

Topics we can and have talked about
- Ruby on Rails, PHP
- Javascript / Node / React / Vue / etc.
- DevOps/Cloud
- Product Management
- Project Management
- DotNet, VBA
- Javascript, React, Vue, jQuery
- MS SQL Server/MS SQL Server Express
- Postgres, MySQL, TimescaleDB

I ask of you a few guidelines

  1. Folks have all kinds of skill levels, interests, experiences. Accept all, learn where you can and help where you can.
  2. Tech is inclusive. As the old joke says, nobody cares if you are a dog on the internet. Please be open to everyone.
  3. This isn't a place about selling things, it is about a community.

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