Jeff Horton

Entrepreneur, Software, DevOps, Teams. My journey so far SK (PA), AB (Edm & Cal), BC (Van), AB (Red Deer)

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Red Deer Tech & Code Meetup #5, May 25, 2023

I invite you to our next meetup on May 25, 2023 Had a great time at meetup #4 with 10 of us out to chat. Will I see you this month? If you like programming, devops, cloud computing, tech startups, regular IT, then for sure think about coming out. If…

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Tech Links

Regional Tech & Research Red Deer Polytechnic Research Olds College Research & Innovation Support Orgs CARiN - Central Alberta Regional Innovation Network "Driving growth of the innovation ecosystem in Central Alberta by providing support to technology and knowledge-based companies"

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Hi, I'm Jeff, formerly of Sask, AB, BC and now in Red Deer. Having been involved in the tech community in several regions I know there is great value in creating a strong local community to chat tech, share what we know and meetup to talk tech and startups. It…

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