Red Deer Start Here Meetup #1 July 11, 2023

Hi Red Deer and those nearby. Time for meetup #1.

Tuesday July 11, 6-8pm at Troubled Monk in Red Deer.

If you are into startups, product management and innovation ideas
If you know and work in startups and want to share
If you are trying to learn to get a sense of what 'startup' actually means

Come out and join me and whoever shows up to get this discussion started in RD and area.

In classic startup way this meetup is a super early test
- How does Tuesday night feel
- How does Troubled Monk feel as a venue
- How to find each other
- If the food and drink available to purchase is good (You must buy your own, no sponsorship)
- Getting a meetup scheduled so that this shows up on meetup upcoming events

If you can make it then welcome. If you cannot, no worries, the next event will be August 8 (unless I hear suggestions otherwise) with a wider notice distribution from our friends at CARIN and local EcDev orgs to gain more attention.

I'm not buying or selling anything. Like the Tech Meetup I'm just looking to have interesting conversations.